Westcreek's June Yard of the Month

Westcreek's June Yard of the Month

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Westcreek’s June Yard of the Month 2023


Jack & Lee Bennett of 5209 Summerset received the award for June for Westcreek’s Yard of the Month. Their yard sports beautiful Drift roses in many colors as well as a Peggy Martin Antique Rose. Day Lillies were blooming in the bed as one approaches the front door. 

The Bennetts have lived in Westcreek for almost four years. When they moved into the house, there was a large Live Oak in the front yard that had been treated for Oak Wilt. Sadly, the tree was then fighting oak leaf roller which it finally succumbed to. The Bennetts had the Oak removed in October of 2021, replacing it with a beautiful Magnolia tree. 

The Bennetts received gift certificates from Klingemann’s Automotive for an oil change, Cypress Grill a $45 certificate, and Leaf Landscape $50 certificate. Be sure to be a paid member of our Westcreek Neighborhood Association so that your yard can be considered for the next Yard of the Month. Congratulations!